Monday, November 6, 2017

Flesh and Soul

Artist: Danen Kane
Label: Danen Kane Music LLC
Release Date: March 3, 2015
Duration:  10 tracks, 38:50

In Danen Kane’s sixth release there is a rockier foundation to his message of praise and worship. Each of his releases have clear cut Christian lyrics to match melody and this is clearly evident in Flesh and Soul, which may have more of a personal note from Kane’s life than previous offerings.

In Flesh and Soul, Kane gives of himself while broadening his musical breadth with new sounds, breaks, and hotter electric guitar. The latter of which occasionally takes over the message and at one or two points break too hard leaving the emotion behind. There is a clear and present change in tempo and feel, at times much harder and at others similar to Shawn McDonald’s recent writing.

“The Song That Set Us Free” begins slow and beautiful with a simple message jumping to a big bridge with up-tempo ending. Something new and upbeat is found in “When Our Time Here Is Over”. “One Step Ahead” again lays out the message calmly building to a rocker.

“Love Song”, quite different from the remainder of the collection, is a slow, emotional song with mid-‘60s melody. The beautiful, understated acoustic “Our Love” stands tall. A crowd favorite often heard during Kane’s life performance, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”, shows the old hymn has not lost is glory.

Beautiful, well architected and mixed. While most songs are very well done and personalized, the message often has a cadence and feel of so many of his past efforts, so true of Christian contemporary rock’s praise and worship today.

Scott S Mertens

3 tocks

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